84106 Skin Care Centers

Skin Care Centers

Skin Care Centers in the 84106 area

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Company Information Services Offered
Awakenings Salon & Spa
1321 E 3300 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Skin Services, Body Services, Hair Texturing, Manicures, Pedicures, Pro Hair Styling
1108 E 3300 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Nail Services, Skin Services, Body Services, Classic Massage
Aquavie Day Spa
3350 Highland Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Body Services, Basic Hair Cuts, Facials, Manicures, Pedicures, Skin Cleansing
ARVO International Corporation
3350 Highland Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Nail Services, Skin Services, Body Services, Basic Hair Cuts
Jennifer Emma Bassi Permanent Make-up Ar
1104 East Ashton Ave
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
3.0 Stars
Facials, Anti Aging, Polishing, Bronzing, Skin Exfoliation, MicroDermabrasion, Chemical Peel, Laser Skin Treatment, Tanning, Botox, Permanant Makeup

Company Information Services Offered
Body Rock Sculpting Med Spa
1514 Sout 1100 east SuiteA
Salt Lake City, UT 84105
3.7 Stars
Facials, Anti Aging, Skin Exfoliation, MicroDermabrasion, Chemical Peel, Botox, Esthetician Training, Tattoo Design and Tattooing, Body Wrapping, Dieting and Weight Programs, Weight Loss Surgery, Permanent Makeup, Cosmetic Instruction, Hot ...
Harmony Massage
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
3.0 Stars
Skin Exfoliation, Body Wrapping, Classic Massage, Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Muscle Therapy, Hot Stone Massage, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Cranial Massage, Shiatsu Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Holistic Medicine, Reiki, Craniosacra...
Shear Ecstasy Hair Designs & Day Spa
74 E. 2700 So.
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Childrens Haircuts, Basic Hair Cuts for Men, Basic Hair Cuts for Women, Pro Hair Styling for Men, Pro Hair Styling for Women, Hair Straightening, Curling & Waving, Relaxers and Perms, Highlights and Color, Eyebrow Shaping, Facial Grooming, ...
Swedish Skin Care
3804 Highland Drive Suite 4
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Skin Cleansing
Salon Utopia
3975 Highland Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84124
Skin Services, Basic Hair Cuts, Classic Massage, Hair Texturing, Manicures, Pedicures, Pro Hair Styling
Breathe Day Spa & Boutique
1155 E Wilmington Ave
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Alternative Services, Anti Aging, Aromatherapy, Body Wrapping, Classic Massage, Cosmetic Instruction, Deep Tissue Massage, Facials, Hand Treatments, Hot Stone Massage, Makeup, Makeovers, Manicures, Nail Polish, Pedicures, Pregnancy Massage,...
Hair Systems
2670 South 2000 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84109
Skin Services, Basic Hair Cuts, Hair Texturing, Pro Hair Styling
Park Day Spa
1415 E. 2100 S.
Salt Lake City, UT 84105
Body Services, Basic Hair Cuts, Classic Massage, Facial Grooming, Facials, Manicures, Pedicures, Skin Cleansing
European Skin Care
1021 Hillview Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84124
Manicures, Pedicures, Skin Cleansing
The Spa Club
1400 S. Foothill Drive #160
Salt Lake City, UT 84108
Skin Services, Body Services, Artificial Nails, Classic Massage, Hair Removal, Hand Treatments, Manicures, Nail Polish, Nail Repair, Pedicures
J & J Nail & Skin Care
2343 E 3300 S Ste 7
Salt Lake City, UT 84109
Artificial Nails, Hand Treatments, Manicures, Nail Polish, Nail Repair, Pedicures, Skin Cleansing
Essentials Skin Care &Body Work
1952 S 1100 E
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Skin Cleansing
Wasatch Spa & Pool Center
3955 S State St
Murray, UT 84107
Nail Services, Skin Services, Body Services
Oasean Spa
1630 South State Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Basic Hair Cuts for Women, Basic Hair Cuts for Men, Facial Grooming, Childrens Haircuts, Pro Hair Styling for Women, Pro Hair Styling for Men, Ethnic Hair Styling, Highlights and Color, Hair Blowouts, Hair Straightening, Curling & Waving, R...

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